59. Plus Ones, Late RSVPs, & Other Guest Mess with Jennifer Price

We talk to Jennifer Price from Event Shoppe Chicago about wedding guest conundrums and what we need to do instead of what we want to do. 
A Black couple standing in front of a purple blue background A Black couple standing in front of a purple blue background

Do you need to give guests the option of a plus one? How do we get people to RSVP on time? Who should be invited to the wedding in the first place? We talk to Jennifer Price from Event Shoppe Chicago about these wedding guest conundrums and what we need to do instead of what we want to do.

We discussed plus ones, if wedding gifts are mandatory, how wedding guest invitations have evolved over the years, and briefly discussed wedding guest etiquette. This is another evergreen episode.

  • Wedding Vendor Love:

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We are eternally thankful to CRMG Studios for producing our early episodes and @KParyo on IG for the intro music & advice.