86. Why Do Black Weddings Look Alike? with Ramia Joy, Jennifer Price, and Candace Darby

According to most wedding publications and social media, Black weddings look the same. The decor, dresses, and aesthetic are similar and we discuss why.
A chandelier handing on an installation with a lot of flowers A chandelier handing on an installation with a lot of flowers

We are entering our third year of podcasting with a bang. We’re talking with friends of the show Ramia Joy, Jennifer Price from Event Shoppe Chicago and The Cocoa Bride’s Candace Phillips about the monotony within our weddings. Why do all of our weddings look alike? How are vendors perpetuating this? And what can we do, as brides, as vendors, as media to combat this?

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We are eternally thankful to CRMG Studios for producing our early episodes and @KParyo on IG for the intro music & advice.