The Tormented Loves of Marvin Gaye

Marvin had two marriages: one to Anna Gordy and the other to Janis Hunter — both of which ended in divorce.

Marvin Gaye was such a talented musician and singer known for his soulful, sensual, and romantic music. However, his personal life was not always as harmonious as his songs. Marvin had two marriages: one to Anna Gordy and the other to Janis Hunter — both of which ended in divorce. In addition to that, there were other relationships that definitely impacted and heavily influenced his life. We’re going to be talking about all of that this week on Aisle Tell You What.

References & Resources: To learn more about these couples, look into the following:

Aisle Tell You What is a weekly podcast that shares the weddings, marriages, and romances of notable Black figures throughout time. We bask on these relationships to remind you of the passion in our past and to give grace to the individuals we put on pedestals. Basically, it’s all love Black History. Aisle Tell You What is brought to you by Hueido.

Hueido is a media brand that adds color to Black weddings and marriage from yesterday, today, and tomorrow.