Aisle Tell You What

Aisle Tell You What is a weekly deep dive at some of the most epic engagements, weddings, and marriages that have occurred throughout Black History.

The Love Stories of Sheila Johnson, the First Black Woman Billionaire

Sheila Johnson is a name synonymous with breaking barriers and achieving excellence. A true multi-hyphenate, she has donned the hats of entrepreneur, philanthropist, and sports executive throughout her illustrious career. But for 30+ years, Sheila hid in the shell of who she could be because the person she married reduced

The Love Story of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King

The love story of Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King unfolded in the vibrant city of Boston, far from the epicenter of the Civil Rights Movement that would later define their lives. Their love story, despite the rumors and threats, continues to inspire generations with its potent message

The Love Stories of Marcus Allen, Running Back Legend of the Raiders & Chiefs

Marcus Allen was an extraordinary running back that received basically every major award within his field. His wholesome persona was solidified with the 8 year marriage of actress/model Kathryn and then the relationship with the mother of his son, Lauren Hunter. Let’s reflect. Research and Resources: Marcus: The Autobiography of

The Love Stories of Walter Payton

Walter Payton is widely regarded as one of the greatest football players of all time. He played running back for the Chicago Bears for 13 seasons, from 1975 to 1987, even winning a Super Bowl with them. However, despite his family-friendly persona, he had flaws in his marriage and romances,

The Love Stories of Deion Sanders

Coach Prime or Deion Sanders is a legendary NFL and MLB player who is known for his flashy style and his ability to play two sports at the highest level. But behind the spotlight, Sanders has also had a complex and sometimes tumultuous love life. In this episode, we’ll take